Monday, February 25, 2013

First off I am so excited to start this blog thing!
So today we did another work out, one that I felt as though my shoulders were literally going to say "i had enough CYA!!" and just walk away. But I made it through and after I felt as though I should have done better, but in the moment it just seemed so hard. It was just the push ups that got me, could do everything else and then got to the push ups which every time slowed me down.
After that work out, and every workout for that matter, I could not walk up those steps! I mean I usually can't when I don't have a workout that day...But today was like i was a penguin walking down those stairs! To this point just sitting down my legs hurt...
So this weekend I get to miss school because I was invited to play with our U19 team. I play indoor field hockey and I am on the U16 team. Awhile back we had this big tournament, qualifiers, if we won this tournament than we would have moved on to go to VA beach for nationals. Well we lost. Then I get a call last week asking me to play for the U19s who did qualify and are in nationals. thats what is this weekend..nationals.. and i am going to be apart of it!!! Now you are prob sitting there wondering why i was asked...well I'll tell you! I play as a goalie and since the other goalie couldn't make it I was asked to play! How cool!!! As much as i cannot wait, i am so my goal for this week is to work extra hard not only in gym but at practices perfecting those little things.
Joke of the Day:
Why did the chicken cross the road??
Because it wanted to get to your house!
Knock knock?!
Who's there?
The Chicken!!! ahahahahahah!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being asked. That's cool. The joke needs a little work though:)
