Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter :D

Today I woke up with a stomach ace. But the weirdest thing was that it wasn't all day it was like for a minute then it would pass and I would be fine but then it kept happening. But today we went out to Lancaster. Shady maple at 5 in the morning. Yay :D I love the country! I think it's because it's is kinda how I grew up. I grew up on a farm and I loved it! I live animals and whenever I am in Lancaster I feel so awesome being out in the open air and being able to see miles of farm land. I think it's crazy how people work the fields all day! That must get boring going up and down the fields all day. Most people may think I am weird for saying this but I love Lancaster inside and out, with the smell and all.
So tomorrow will be rough. I have up junk food for lent so I have not eaten "junk food" for 40 days. I have that in quotations because it is hard to determine what would be junk food and what isn't. Anyway so I have to decide if I want to even eat any junk tomorrow. Have those 40 days without junk and eating moe fruit I have come to see that I don't need sugar like I thought. I used to eat so much of it. Like if we had cupcakes I would eat like 2 a day! I think through this lent and having been in this class I am learning to take care off my body more. My goal is to have only 2 desserts Tomorrow but I guess we will see how that turns out!
But I am keeping up with workouts, I did a kettle ball workout today which felt great to do! And then I did 50 sit ups and 68 push-ups, I have this app on my phone that works you up to being able to do so many. It is amazing how much I have improved too, I have not used the app for awhile because I was doing workouts in school but with the break I thought why not so I did some today and I was amaze of how I could actually talk my self into not quitting and motivate my self just to keep moving.
Have a happy Easter :D

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


For awhile I never wanted to work out with anyone. In the summer while getting ready for the hockey season I would only go on a run by myself. Feeling as though i could do it myself, i can push my self. But today I found that that might not always be the best to do. Today's workout was hard and honestly while in the workout I didn't care if I finished or not I just wanted the 20 minutes to be over. But as the last minute rounded down and with all my peers cheering me on I found something in my self, the need to finish this workout. Maybe not for those watching but to prove to myself that yea it may be hard in the moment but it only helps in the future. Today I found two things, the true meaning of how your body can take so much more than what you ever thought and that having people cheering you on can truly fuel you back up and give you the want to finish. After the workout my body ached and I wanted to throw up but my mind was happy. If I didn't finish that workout in the time I did with 8 seconds to spare I think that would have truly devastated me.
If someone came up to me today and asked me why they should take this class I wouldn't say to get in great shape but for the unity of the group you are working out with. Everybody has a tough time, a weakness they have yet to overcome and to have someone cheering you on is truly something great and that is what is going to live with you forever. In a regular PE class there are so many people but in this class because it is smaller it had you motivating the peers next to you. So yea the class may be hard but truly worth it inside and out.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Work Harder, Play Harder

Today I kinda felt weird, like everything was just wrong and I just didn't feel right. I hate those days when I have so much to do but just don't feel like doing it. So today in feeling like this and with Easter coming up ( which is never good because I have a huge sweet tooth) I decided that whenever I feel hungry I am going to have either fruit or veggies. Other than just snaking all the time. I feel like when I eat I am like a black hole I can just eat for like hours.
So all my friends know I take this class and one of my friends today asked me to flex my muscle and so I did. And she was like wow it's like double what it was! And I was like just imagine what it will be when I am done because we aren't even half way done! It made me feel so great!
I have been reading all these quotes this weekend and another one of my goals is to push myself harder than what I do now. I think that it takes sweat, courage and hard work to get where you want to be in life and I don't want to look back on each of the workouts and think that I could have done better, that I could have pushed myself further. After all pain is just weakness leaving the body.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Morning :D

I have always been like an all day kind if person. But the past two weeks I have been having a smoothie and sometimes something else like today I had a waffle. But I have been having like the best days being so alert and awake. And I love it!!! I think exercising every other day helps that but also that I am starting not to eat as much sugar as I used to.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013


Today I did another workout with my mom, it was one of those Keller balls ( I think not sure) workouts. She found one on demand and needed someone to do it with her. Anyway so today's workout in gym was all legs, core and arms... Well so was this workout! Great right? Anyway while doing this the people instructing us was doing like half squats... And I was getting really ticked off because they barley Lowered their butt! And I was like that's wrong!
But anyway doing two workouts today I am sure going to fell that one tomorrow!!!

Something else....

The workout today was great!! It was hard and I think it takes Wags screaming in your ear to push through, but at the end of it all I was happy that I pushed myself through it and didn't give up.
Am I ready for being sore yet again... Maybe not but it's the best when you feel sore remembering the workout you completed and feel totally proud if yourself.
But after that workout today I am more aware than I was this morning but for some resin today I am so tired!

Texting abbreviation of the day :

(Laughing so hard my sombrero falls and I drop my taco)

March 8 weigh in

Weight : 185.4
Body fat: 29.2%

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Feb 28 weigh in

Weight: 184
Body fat: 29%


Today kinda started krappy... My nanny is sick in the hospital so that kinda made my whole day go down hill... But then I get to Bio and dissect a frog and you know somedays you just got to remember that bad things are just gonna happen.. That's life... But it's the joy in the little things that makes life so much better.
It's funny because now that I am in this class I go home and I am all like yea I could totally lift that 100 pound box... Trying to lift it I realize that the class just started and really I am not quite there yet...
Hahaha so because of this class I have been recruited into training my mother. She wants to be in better shape. I think it's great because the workouts in this class I really love. They have something different to then than the other gym classes. I don't know what it is but it just has a fun factor to it!
But as of right now after every workout we do I feel like energized and I feel more aware of things either in classes or at home. It's great :D