Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter :D

Today I woke up with a stomach ace. But the weirdest thing was that it wasn't all day it was like for a minute then it would pass and I would be fine but then it kept happening. But today we went out to Lancaster. Shady maple at 5 in the morning. Yay :D I love the country! I think it's because it's is kinda how I grew up. I grew up on a farm and I loved it! I live animals and whenever I am in Lancaster I feel so awesome being out in the open air and being able to see miles of farm land. I think it's crazy how people work the fields all day! That must get boring going up and down the fields all day. Most people may think I am weird for saying this but I love Lancaster inside and out, with the smell and all.
So tomorrow will be rough. I have up junk food for lent so I have not eaten "junk food" for 40 days. I have that in quotations because it is hard to determine what would be junk food and what isn't. Anyway so I have to decide if I want to even eat any junk tomorrow. Have those 40 days without junk and eating moe fruit I have come to see that I don't need sugar like I thought. I used to eat so much of it. Like if we had cupcakes I would eat like 2 a day! I think through this lent and having been in this class I am learning to take care off my body more. My goal is to have only 2 desserts Tomorrow but I guess we will see how that turns out!
But I am keeping up with workouts, I did a kettle ball workout today which felt great to do! And then I did 50 sit ups and 68 push-ups, I have this app on my phone that works you up to being able to do so many. It is amazing how much I have improved too, I have not used the app for awhile because I was doing workouts in school but with the break I thought why not so I did some today and I was amaze of how I could actually talk my self into not quitting and motivate my self just to keep moving.
Have a happy Easter :D

1 comment:

  1. I am guessing that you have found that the longer you go without the sweets, the easier it is. As soon as you start eating them though, you will want them. Sad but true! I am glad that you challenged yourself. What is the name of the app?
